All posts by Jason Townsend

About Jason Townsend

Jason is a young Aussie who just loves to push the boundaries of, well, everything. An avid entrepreneur and adventurer, and an aspiring writer and teacher of his craft, he is exploring ways to express his creativity and assist others with their personal growth.

The Best US Cell Phone Plan for Freelance Writers & Travellers

Getting the best coverage out of my mobile phone plan is a must when running a business on the road, so I’ve spent a good chunk of my 1.5 months in the “States” figuring out which is the best US cell phone plan for freelance writers. My process of elimination, as primitive as it may seem, has been something like this.

It’s 7pm and we’re fast approaching our camp for the night – recommended by Google – so it’s time to see if our current mobile plan for USA travel will allow us to stay in this quiet, remote woodland in Tennessee. Five miles out, and things are looking dim.

The conundrum of comparison – why it’s best to stand on your own two feet


Yep, I’m working on my very first book! I’m not yet ready to share the title with you, but I can say that it’s full of mindful tips to live even better. Sign up to my email updates to receive regular newsletters and updates on the progress of my writing!


How to let go of the perfectionist and love your perfect imperfections

This beautiful song by John Legend resonates strongly within my heart.

His powerful words “love your perfect imperfections” are such a valuable concept that can be applied to your loved ones, and directly to the love for yourself and your ability to grow.

As I reflect on some wonderful comments from my previous post on practicing mindful habits, I notice an air of anxiety, generated from the overwhelming prospect of additional tasks in our already busy lives.

3 key diet changes to become more energetic, grounded, and mindful

In my previous post on mindful habits, I highlighted the changes I made to my daily practice in order to gain clarity, effectiveness, and mindfulness in my day.

What I neglected to mention is that not all change has come from habits alone.

Diet has been an extremely important component to my state of mind, state of health, and wellness of being. In fact, I maintain that it’s the most important part. All life force comes of energy, and (the majority of) ours is obtained through the fluids and foods we consume.

8 energising and mindful habits I (try) practicing every morning

The alarm sounds on your smart phone. It’s an unwelcome start to the day, so you make it better by ‘rewarding’ with a Facebook update, email check, and a quick re-tweet or two.

It typically ends like this:

A friend posted photos of their holiday – you wish you were there.

You read about world destruction and animal cruelty – you’re angry and upset.

A good friend has messaged you to relieve themselves of their previous days’ worries – you’re already emotionally drained.

Your day is now interrupted, and even more energy is required to correct its course.

The paradox of choice – What to do when you’re overwhelmed with options

In researching this concept, I discovered that I am not alone in my bewilderment! I encourage you to explore the above video to learn another perspective of the topic I will discuss in my own words below….

As I took a short walk this morning from my lovely homestay in Ubud, Bali, to a local market to fetch groceries for breakfast, I became mindful of a difficulty I’d been having since my arrival to the wonderful country.