Category Archives: Personal Development

10 things I learnt from regret, and why it’s no disappointment to let it go

Regrets. I have them, and I’m sure you do too.

The feeling of regret is such a strong driver in my life, and in many ways it continues to be destructive.


Amongst many other things, It’s an incubator of negativity.

I’d like to use this blog post to raise awareness of regret – what it is, how it has impacted my life, and what it has taught me. No matter what walk of life you originate from, I hope you’ll be able to take my experience and try the practice of ‘letting go’ of any regret for yourself.

What a cauliflower pizza reminded me about sharing (and a yummy recipe to try)

Yep, you read right. Cauliflower pizza!

Well, actually it was a cauliflower pizza base 🙂

I absolutely love this substitute for a simple, healthy, wholesome pizza base. It uses no flour either, which is great for those who are aiming to reduce or avoid gluten in their diets. I consciously make an effort to reduce my gluten intake as much as possible for 6 out of my 7 day weeks, as I follow a cyclic carbohydrate eating plan.

This post isn’t all about pizza though.

The greater act of joining another to create this masterpiece in the kitchen, highlighted something even more important in my life that I was oblivious to.

My first blog entry, and how I got started

If you’ve stumbled across my humble website, welcome!

My name is Jason. I would like to introduce you to my website, and my new blog.

It has been a long time in the making, and I have hesitated to start many times. No longer.

I want to make a commitment to you, and create accountability for myself.

I am going to commit to publishing a blog post 2 times per week, on Tuesday’s and Friday’s. I’m not sure what about yet, but that is part of the journey I am about to undertake.