Tag Archives: new experiences

Bored with a predictable life? 4 ways to embrace spontaneity and spice things up!

Predictability - a killer of creative spontaneity

No recipe is more enjoyable than those with a surprising kick. Spontaneity is the true spice of life. 

Hello again my wonderful readers! It’s been a while since I last wrote. My apologies. You may remember in my last post I talked about recent life changes and how they opened my eyes to the possibilities available to me. For a long time I felt trapped in a circle of mundane, boring rituals that formed my simple existence around the typical 9-5 job. Looking back, I ponder as to why life at 28 y.o got boring so quickly. What was it that led me to be ‘trapped’ inside the little world I saw as my ‘normal’ every day existence?

Letting go of routine – Take a break from life and re energise

Another long weekend has just passed in Australia, and it was a great time for me to unwind and take stock. I decided to explore the great outdoors with some wonderful friends, on an adventure to Porcupine Gorge.

As I drove home after the 3 days away, I realised that the most valuable experience I got was not actually the travel experience as I thought.

I got value out of a break from routine.

Have you ever felt in a rut? Like nothing you do excites you? Do you find yourself dreading home life.

I regularly do.