All posts by Jason Townsend

About Jason Townsend

Jason is a young Aussie who just loves to push the boundaries of, well, everything. An avid entrepreneur and adventurer, and an aspiring writer and teacher of his craft, he is exploring ways to express his creativity and assist others with their personal growth.

Have faith, believe in yourself, and follow your heart – 3 ways to deal with change

You’ve got an idea.

A dream, a passion, a goal; a desire to be something else.

Progress is being made, but there are some days where you find yourself chasing other, juicier carrots.

It’s you, the donkey, that must decide whether the carrot in your face or the carrot awaiting you during the course of your journey, is worthy of the crunch. Despite your hunger, you already know the answer……..

Is this you?

Are you getting distracted by the abundance of opportunity?

I am.

Or should I say, I was.

Chia seeds – 3 reasons I add them to my meals

I’ve been experimenting with a number of different food types in recent years, and I now find myself eating mostly vegetarian. This means I am always looking for interesting, wholesome, cost effective ingredients to add to my meals.

Welcome Chia seeds.

Today I’d like to share with you what Chia seeds are, why I choose to include this superfood into my diet, and also why they are best used in moderation.

What are Chia seeds?

Chia seeds come from a flowering plant of the same family as mint. It’s native to Mexico and Guatemala, and history suggests it was an important crop for the Aztecs.

Letting go of routine – Take a break from life and re energise

Another long weekend has just passed in Australia, and it was a great time for me to unwind and take stock. I decided to explore the great outdoors with some wonderful friends, on an adventure to Porcupine Gorge.

As I drove home after the 3 days away, I realised that the most valuable experience I got was not actually the travel experience as I thought.

I got value out of a break from routine.

Have you ever felt in a rut? Like nothing you do excites you? Do you find yourself dreading home life.

I regularly do.

3 reasons it’s good to celebrate little wins and focus on what matters

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

– Buddah

Welcome back to my dedicated readers, and a big Aussie G’day to those newcomers that have landed here through Facebook and Twitter.

How has your week been?

It’s been a huge week for me. So much has happened it puts my head into a spin.

Boil the kettle with what you need – a musing on minimalism

Today it’s a slightly shorter post to stir your brain juice. My fight against the flu is coming to a close, and my thoughts are not ideal for inspirational writing. However, I’m committed the promise I made to you in my first post.

Today, I would like to raise your awareness to a passionate topic of mine.


Here’s why.

I was in the kitchen the other day and I observed my house mate preparing a cup of tea for breakfast.

He filled the 1.7 litre kettle to the top.

Getting sick with the flu? Here’s 3 things you must do to fight back

It’s dark, and you’re woken by an insistent, loud, vibrating alarm on your bedside table.

Drowsy, you pull yourself upright and go about your morning routine. But wait, something is different.

There’s a cloud in front of you. Hold on, you notice a tingle in the back of your nose. Oh no.

“Damn it, I’m getting the flu!”

It’s the time of year again, winter (well, at least in Australia anyway), where it’s almost expected that we get the flu.

It’s annoying, disruptive, and disgusting.

I know all too well.